Bruno Corbisier, a well-known Belgian architect, began his career with Kewlox during his student days, inheriting a first piece of furniture that turned out to be much more than just a utilitarian object. It was the modularity and flexibility of the system that led him to adopt the brand.

"I inherited my very first piece of Kewlox furniture when I was a student. I took it apart, reassembled it, transformed it and adapted it many times. I thought it was crazy to be able to build a completely new piece of furniture every time I felt like it..."

Bruno has definitely been bitten by the Kewlox bug. Even his own office is almost entirely made up of this furniture. This decision, far from being a simple aesthetic preference, is a testament to their reliability and adaptability, which perfectly meet his requirements as an architect. Year after year, he continues to appreciate their timeless design and functionality, which simplify his day-to-day professional storage.

"When I set up my own offices in 2001, buying Kewlox furniture was an obvious choice. Today, all our files are stored on Kewlox shelves that have been in use for over 15 years, but they're still as good as new!"

Bruno Corbisier
Architect, Brussels

But his Kewlox story isn't just limited to his personal use. Over the years, as this first piece of furniture has changed and evolved, Bruno has used the system to innovate and create, both for his own projects and for his customers.

"As an architect, I chose Kewlox for its design, modularity and scalability. These are values that I particularly appreciate in my profession and that I was able to find at Kewlox."